R-Squared Computing: Business Technology Experts

Everyone Loves Something for Nothing

Get Your Free Network Report
We evaluate and document your computer systems. You get a professional document that's great for insurance purposes. And it's free.

Nearly Free IT
Get the free ebook that teaches you how to eliminate IT costs for small business.

The R-Squared Method Blog
Free business and technology insights from Louis Rosas-Guyon, the founder of R-Squared Computing.

There are countless free software programs available on the internet.  In some cases, you can avoid paying for software you use regularly.

Research Reports
From time to time, our customers require research into new technologies.  We are happy to provide all reports that do not conflict with our non-disclosure policies.

How To Documents
Some basic tasks can be performed by anyone, as long as they have instructions. When we can save you the cost of an office visit with a How To Document, we will.